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I began this project because so many people were writing to me about rituals and ceremonies and there seemed to be nothing on the internet regarding them.  So, I began this page.  If you are here, you are most likely considering me as the officiant for your ceremony, and you want to know more about me and my beliefs. 

My current belief system, and there have been many, involves a genderless, faceless supreme being.  I feel that this Supreme Being is all genders, all gods, all goddesses.  You can address this being by any of the names used by other gods, because he/she is ONE.  I tend to pray to this Being as Lilith or Kali.  Why?  I admire the principle of Lilith.  She was cast out of Eden because she refused to lie beneath Adam.  She refused to be subservient.  I admire her as a woman who was willing to take the consequences of her actions and to stand up for what she felt was right.

A Hierarchical Pagan (who used to be a devout Lutheran) is into ritual and ceremony in their worship.  The ceremonies that I prefer are full of symbolism and interactive.  I like the symbolism of the blood in the Ceremony of the Roses.  In the bonding ceremonies I've written for myself, there are permanent markings for the slave, and the spilling of blood.  I tend to lean a little to the dramatic when given my head, though I can also help design simple ceremonies without a lot of fire and flash.  In my life I've read a lot of books on various religions and rituals.   I find ritual and symbolism to be comforting, and of course, all symbolism is akin to sympathetic magick.  I have great respect for Christian beliefs as exemplified by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.  This is one of the less judgemental and least fundamentalist Christian Churches that I know of.  I still, upon occasion attend a church service, though I am no longer formally Christian.

I've been, in my life, a Baptist, a Wiccan, a Lutheran, an Agnostic and now I'm reasonably relaxed in my religion.   I do personally feel that there is a Supreme Being who created the world, but I am not totally convinced that this Being interferes in our day to day lives.  I think that you must be as morally correct as possible, but I feel that this stores up your Karma here on the earth and you get it back in this life.  I think you reap what you sow, as the saying is, so that wrongful acts in the here and now will get you retribution in the future.

Well, that's me as far as religion.

As for my home life, I am happily married to a wonderful man.  Besides running the Frugal Domme, I do a lot of socializing.  He's not a really social person.  I also teach classes several times a year for the BDSM community.  I'm on the board of directors for the Dungeon Monitors' Association.  I'm currently writing a book for people new to the lifestyle and with my niece, Atheris, I'm writing a book on piercing.

I'm a professional dominant, and I enjoy that immensely.  It's great to be able to do what you like for a living.  My website for that is here.  If you'd like to know more about me as a prodomme, please check it out. 

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We have three cats who more or less run the place.  I spend most of my free time working on the various websites for me and for my friends.  I'm always happy to get email from people, though sometimes I take longer than they would like to answer it.  I belong to several list serves and post a lot.  

If you need help in crafting your ceremony, I'd be glad to help.  Personal mythologies should be respected and life changing affirmations should be memorable.


Our Mother, who are within us,
We celebrate your many names.
Your wisdom come,
Your will be done,
Unfolding from the depths within us.
Each day you give us all that we need.
You remind us of our limits and we let go.
You support us in our power and we act with courage.
For thou are the dwelling place within us,
The empowerment around us,
And the celebration among us.
Now and forever more.

Blessed be.



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The Goddess also has a fierce and frightening aspect. Without death, there can be no life. Within the essence of the Goddess there are powerful and sometimes ruthless energies. Retribution, vengeance, detachment, rage and cosmic justice are often listed as attributes of both Kali and Lilith. The same Goddesses are also life givers and creation Goddesses.
                                                                                            (Spiral Goddess.Com)

Links to Lilith Stories and Information

The Lilith Shrine Overview of Lilith and Links Lilith (by Dante Gabriel Rossetti) Lilith the Goddess Lilith, Queen of the Demons
The Lilith Overview Page The Story of Lilith Women in Palestine The Lost Book of Lilith The Lilith Institute
The Invocation to Lilith      



Her dance of destruction is ultimately the destruction of evil, and seekers who throw themselves at her feet are reborn out of pain into vitality, spontaneity, and appreciation of the full joy and beauty of existence. 
                                                                                          (Sacred Source, Understanding Kali)

Links to Kali Stories and Information


Alter of the Goddess

Kali Mandir

Kali as Demon Slayer

Alter of the Goddess as Destroyer

Shri Kalika Devi

Kali Goddess

Kali, The Dark Mother

Kali, (Pagan Paths)

Kali Ma

Copyright 2001-2005, House Corwyn
All Rights Reserved